Herbs, perennial, rhizomatous, glabrous. Leaves 2-ranked, equitant, mostly basal; blade linear. Inflorescences terminal, racemose, open, bracteate, bracteolate; bracteoles connate in epicalyx. Flowers arising singly; tepals persistent, 6, in 2 somewhat dissimiliar series, distinct; stamens 9(-10), 2 opposite each outer tepal, 1 opposite each inner; filaments dilated basally, flattened; anthers versatile, 2-locular, introrse, without appendages; ovary superior, stipitate, apocarpous basally, glabrous; intercarpellary nectary present; styles 3. Fruits capsular, ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, glabrous, dehiscence septicidal, then adaxially loculicidal. Seeds appendaged. x =15. F. H. Utech (1978, 1979) clearly demonstrated the relationship of Pleea to Tofieldia sensu lato and reassigned the only species of the former to the latter. Morphologically, though, P. tenuifolia is a very distinctive species and, while it shares characteristics with both Tofieldia and Triantha, it is not in any way an intermediate.