Family: Arecaceae
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Stems armed with spines 12--13 cm. Leaves ca. 4 m; segments glabrous abaxially. Fruits brownish green, globose, 2--3 cm diam., brownish green.; endocarp globose, brown, bearing 3 germination pores. Seeds: eophyll undivided. Flowering in the summer. Woodlands and hammocks; 0--30 m; introduced; Fla.; native, to South America. Acrocomia totai is sparingly naturalized in central Florida in Brevard County (B. Peterson 1991b), as well as in Dade County in the vicinity of Miami. Other References Barford, A. 1991. A monographic study of the subfamily Phytelephantoideae (Arecaceae). Opera Bot. 105: 1--73. Barthlott, W. and D. Frölich. 1983. Mikromorphologie und Orientierungsmuster epicuticularer Wachs-Kristalloide: Ein neues systematisches Merkmal bei Monokotylen. Pl. Syst. Evol. 142: 171--185. Bartram, W. 1791. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactawas. . . . Philadelphia. Beal, J. M. 1937. Cytological studies in the genus Phoenix. Bot. Gaz. 99: 400--407. Bernal, R. G., G. Galeano, and A. Henderson. 1991. Notes on Oenocarpus (Palmae) in the Colombian Amazon. Brittonia 43: 154--164. Borchsenius, F. 1997. Flowering biology of Geonoma irena and G. cuneata var. sodiroi (Arecaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 208: 187--196. Brummitt, R. K. 1996. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta: 44. Taxon 45: 671--681. Bullock, S. H. 1980. Dispersal of a desert palm by opportunistic frugivores. Principes 24: 29--32. Chase, M. W. et al. 1993. Phylogenetics of seed plants: An analysis of nucleotide sequences from the plastid gene rbcL. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 528--580. Cooper, J. G. 1861. On the forests and trees of Florida and the Mexican boundary. Rep. (Annual) Board Regents Smithsonian Inst. 1860: 439--442. Cunningham, S. A. 1995. Ecological constraints on fruit initiation by Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana (Arecaceae): Floral herbivory, pollen availability, and visitation by pollinating bats. Amer. J. Bot. 82: 1527--1536. Dahlgren, R. M. T., H. T. Clifford, and P. F. Yeo. 1985. The Families of the Monocotyledons. Structure, Evolution, and Taxonomy. Berlin etc. Davis, J. I. 1995. A phylogenetic structure for the monocotyledons, as inferred from chloroplast DNA restriction site variation, and a comparison of measures of clade support. Syst. Bot. 20: 503--527. Dowe, J. L. and N. W. Uhl. 1989. Carpoxylon macrospermum. Principes 33: 68--73. Dransfield, J. 1989. Voanioala (Arecoideae: Cocoeae: Butiinae), a new palm genus from Madagascar. Kew Bull. 44: 191--198. Dransfield, J. 1991. Lemurophoenix (Palmae: Arecoideae), a new genus from Madagascar. Kew Bull. 46: 61--68. Dransfield, J. and H. J. Beentje. 1995. Satranala (Coryphoideae: Borasseae: Hyphaeninae), a new palm genus from Madagascar. Kew Bull. 50: 85--92. Dransfield, J. and H. Beentje. 1995b. Palms of Madagascar. Kew. Duvall, M. R. et al. 1993b. |