PLANT: Trees unarmed, polygamodioecious; bark gray. LEAVES: large, deciduous, odd-pinnately compound, malodorous when bruised. INFLORESCENCE: a large terminal panicle. FLOWERS: malodorous (especially the staminate ones); calyx lobes 5-6; petals 5-6; stamens 10-12 (staminate flowers) or 2-3 (perfect flowers); ovary 2-5-lobed. FRUITS: samaras, 1-5 per flower, each developing from a carpel, more or less pendulous. NOTES: Ca. 15 spp.; e Asia, ne Australia. (Supposed oriental [Moluccan] name meaning tree of heaven.) REFERENCES: Brasher, Jeffrey W. 1999. Simaroubaceae. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. 32(1).