Plants 21-50+ cm. Stems (1-)4-10, erect or ± decumbent, unbranched or branched distally. Leaves usually densely hairy, sparsely to moderately glanddot-ted; basal blades usually spatulate, usually with 2-6 teeth or lobes; proximal cauline blades usually oblanceolate, usually with 2(-6) teeth or lobes; mid blades usually oblanceolate, (2.5-)3.9-9.5(-16) mm wide. Peduncles (10-)13-22(-29) cm, densely hairy. Involucres 8-10 × 12-15 mm. Outer phyllaries 13-21, margins usually not scarious, abaxial faces densely hairy. Ray florets 14-25. Cypselae 1.9-2.6 mm; pappi of 5-8 non-aristate scales 1-1.7 mm. 2n = 30. Flowering (Feb-)Mar-Apr(-Jun; also Dec). Roadsides and pastures; 50-200 m; Tex. Variety arenicola is known only from the vicinity of Brooks, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, and Zapata counties. It grows in sand; var. linearifolia grows in limestone-derived soils.