Leaves usually absent at flowering time. Inflorescences 4-18 cm; floral bracts green to reddish brown, lanceolate, 15-20(-25) mm. Flowers 9-50, coral to orange-red; dorsal sepal 19-23 × 7-9 mm; lateral sepals 23-31 × 3-8 mm, connate for 5-7 mm over basal portion of mentum, free portion of mentum 4-6 mm; petals 21-26 × 6-8 mm; lip pale red or pinkish white to white, 23-31 × 8-11 mm; column 9-10 mm from attachment of dorsal sepal to tip, foot extending back 11-12 mm; pollinaria 8-9 mm; viscidia 4-5 mm; pedicellate ovary 10-20 mm; rostellum 4-5 mm. Capsules 14 × 8 mm. Seeds largely polyembryonic. 2n = 46. Flowering mid Mar--early Jul. Open, dry to moist habitats including poorly drained pinelands, roadside ditches, pastures, open woods in sandy, ± acid substrates; 0--30 m; Fla.; Mexico; West Indies; Central America; n South America.