Plants herbaceous or basally woody, lightly pubescent, hairs appressed, mostly retrorse, white, flattened, minute. Stems erect or decumbent, densely leafy, 10-50 cm. Leaves grayish green when fresh or dry, sessile or petiolate, those of a pair slightly unequal, gradually reduced toward inflorescence, thick and succulent; petiole 0-3 mm; blade lanceolate to broadly ovate, 12-40 × 4-13 mm, base obtuse or ± cordate, margins entire, apex acute or obtuse. Flowers 1(-2) in axils of distal leaves; pedicel 0-1 mm; perianth 30-42 mm, tube pale greenish, limbs cream or pale yellow, 10-15 mm diam.; stamens 5(-6). Fruits 6-9 mm, publerulent with flattened, white hairs; wings 2-4 mm wide. Flowering late spring-early fall. Gypsum hills and flats; 1000-1900 m; N.Mex., Tex.; Mexico (n Chihuahua).