PLANTS: Herbs with erect or sparsely twining stems, finely pubescent. STEMS: simple or branched, usually from near base. Leaves: ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2-6 cm long, 1-5 cm wide, basally cordate to sagittate, the lobes rounded, less often angled, apically obtuse to rarely acute, the margins entire; petioles 0.5-40 mm long INFLORESCENCE: solitary flowers, frequently arising from the lower few axils; peduncles 3-5 cm long, rarely longer; bracts surrounding the calyx, ovate to ovate-mucronate, mostly obtuse, sometimes acute Flowers: sepals elliptic to ovate, equal, 10-12 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, thin, transparent at least on margins, acute to acuminate, mucronate, glabrous to ciliate; corollas funnelform, white, 4-5 cm long; stamens 25-28 mm long, the filaments basally glandular pubescent, the anthers 4-5 mm long, basally sagittate; style 20-23 mm long Fruit: FRUITS capsular, 4-valved, surrounded by enlarged sepals and sometimes by bracts, globose to ovoid, brown. SEEDS not seen; 1-4, glabrous, black to dark brown, smooth to verrucose Misc: Moist habitats, near lakes and streams; 1950-2150 m (6400-7000 ft); Jun-Jul REFERENCES: Austin, Daniel F. 1998. J. Ariz. – Nev. Acad. Sci. Convolvulaceae 30(2): 61.