Herbs, perennial, 2--4 dm. Rhizomes creeping. Culms compressed. Leaves: basal several, cauline 0--3; auricles, if present, 0.5--1 mm, apex acutish; blade flat, basal 10--40 cm x 1--6 mm, cauline blade reduced. Inflorescences glomerules, usually 3--12, each with 5--10 flowers, open; primary bract much shorter than inflorescence. Flowers: tepals brown, lanceolate, 5--6 mm, apex obtuse; outer series shorter, margins scarious, apex acute, minutely papillose; inner series with margins clear; stamens 6, filaments 0.5--1 mm, anthers 1.6--2.4(--3) mm; style 0.5--2 mm. Capsules tan, 3-locular, obovoid, 3--5 mm, shorter than perianth. Seeds ovoid, 0.6 mm, not tailed. Flowering and fruiting late spring to summer. Moist ground in mountain meadows; 1200--3500 m; B.C.; Calif., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Oreg., Wash.