Herbs, annual, cespitose, 0.5--1.5 dm. Culms 2--80, capillary, 0.1--4 mm diam. Leaves 1/5--1/3 height of plant. Inflorescences headlike clusters, each with 1--7 flowers, bracts subtending inflorescence 2--10, ovate to broadly lanceolate, inconspicuous, 0.7--2.4 mm, membranous, apex acute. Flowers: tepals reddish with green central band, linear to lanceolate, 1.9--4.5 x 0.5--1.1 mm; inner series slightly longer than outer, apex acuminate to attenuate; stamens 3, filaments 0.4--1.1 mm, anthers 1--2.2 mm; style persistent, 1--3.2 mm, stigma 0.5--2.5 mm. Capsules reddish, 3-locular, ovoid to ellipsoid or oblate, 1.6--2.5 x 1.1--1.8 mm, usually 1/2 length of tepals. Seeds nearly globose to ellipsoid, 0.3--0.7 mm. n = 18. Flowering and fruiting spring--mid summer. Shallow soil of seepage areas on granite outcrops, such as along stream banks, ditches, around springs; of conservation concern; to 2500 m; Calif.